by Jerry Diamanti


by Jerry Diamanti


Sorry, this entry is only available in Italiano.


Humankind is facing the problems of post-modernity. A different vision has survived the millennia and since the dawn of humanity through the songs of the shamans, the scriptures of the sages, the medicines of the forest, the myths of the different traditions, and the parables of the masters recites its message of awakening.

More and more, heroes on a journey, are embarking on the path of awakening to get out of the cave of identifications with the shadows cast on the wall by the false needs of the Ego.

A new paradigm is available to anyone who wants to set out on the journey aware that matter is the concrete manifestation of the flow of consciousness, the foundation of everything.

Transpersonal approach offering tools and methods for mastering the inner experience of states of consciousness and stages of thinking suggest a way out based on key competences such as: partnership, creativity, emotional competences, connection to the Self, tolerance of uncertainty, service, interconnection, fluidity, mastering of states of consciousness, archetypal experience, willingness to change, trust, listening, awareness, self-observation, disidentification.


  • Service: By choosing a transpersonal approach we all commit ourselves with the Self- Realization. Synthetizing we all are facing the challenge to go beyond the EGO. Here a great opportunity. IEG will be a space for openhearted people in service to the Self. Offering instead of asking, giving love and compassion, knowledge and wisdom, showing up to others her/his own way to be who we are.

  • Vacation: Riva degli Etruschi is one of the best places in Italy, amazing see side, pine wood, Etruscan archaeological sites, wineries and good food, and incredible regenerating energy.
    The Garden Tuscany Resort is one of the most comfortable places to stay (for a special incredible price, only for IEG). Close by and all around you may merge into Renaissance by visiting: Volterra, San Giminiano, Siena, Firenze, (Florence) , and Pisa.

  • Waking up, we space: We all know how important is the field in order to get powerful, transformative experiences. We all know how amazing is create a high synergy community, communicating soul by soul, in a peer to peer not judgmental relationship.

  • Impact the world: While we get a look for the trouble of the world we may feel discouraged with no answers. Together we can do something, be active agents for the change. Wish is not enough, time may be short, here we are, doing our best. Committing to offer our resources, our concrete action to make the world better.

  • Share: How many good ideas you might keep in your mind, how many creative solutions you might have in your drawer, how many talents you might apply outside your limited ordinary contest.

  • Out of the box: By entering in contact with such diversity, hundreds of people coming for tens of countries, hundreds of heroes on their journey we might get the chance to go beyond our limits and conditioning, dare to walk unexplored path, unusual habits in order to open the gate of creativity and the doors of perceptions.

  • Here I’m: Finally as a collateral effect we might be here and now presenting ourselves and our personal story, our professional work, our spiritual achievements. We might enjoy the experience to be seen and listened.


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